My regular donation




As a DONATEUR DE COEUR, your regular donation supports a mission that is particularly close to our hearts: supporting and protecting girls in especially challenging and difficult situations.


"I am so happy. Our classroom is beautiful and safe. Before, we had to walk home to use the bathroom, but now we have our own facilities and no longer need to go home for that. I love my school more than ever!"


Mona is 9 years old and lives in Yemen. Since she was born, she has known only war and hunger. Before CARE Luxembourg's project began, it was difficult to safely go to school. Today, CARE provides a bus that ensures a safe journey for the girls and renovates the schools so they can use the bathroom on-site and enjoy a full day of classes. Teachers are trained to detect and support victims of sexual violence. 



Girls are the first victims of armed conflicts and disasters

During violent conflicts and in extremely poor regions, it is the girls who bear the most direct consequences. They lose access to education and healthcare services. They are exposed to sexual violence and malnutrition.


Desperate families often see no other solution than to arrange early marriages as a last resort. This practice often leads young girls to a life of suffering, exposed to sexual abuse and early pregnancies.


In response to this dramatic situation, we do not merely provide one-time or individual support.

CARE works in a comprehensive way to protect girls:

  • We transform schools and organize transportation so that girls can continue to attend school safely.
  • We actively combat early marriages and early pregnancies as well as the devastating practice of female genital mutilation.  
  • We ensure girls have access to healthcare services.
  • We support youth clubs to raise awareness among girls—and boys—about the rights of young people, especially the rights of girls.
  • We empower girls by creating groups where they support each other in developing business activities that, in turn, enhance their independence and emphasizes their voice and visibility in the community.

Make girls smile again



By becoming a DONATEUR DE COEUR, you give little girls the chance to smile again, to experience the joys of safely attending school, to eat properly, to have access to clean water, to receive an education and to dream!


With your regular donation, you support the healthy growth and development of young girls.


A regular CARE donation is tangible, concrete and efficient.



“Girls at school” Package
25 euros

allowing, for example, 2 girls in Yemen to attend school safely.

"Trauma support" Package
50 euros

for example, contributing to the training of teachers to better support girls traumatized by violence or other experiences of war.

“Medical care” Package
100 euros

for example, contributing to the training of village health volunteers in Niger, enabling them to better address the medical needs of girls.

"Fight early marriage and teenage pregnancy” Package 180 euros

help, for example, protect girls from early marriage and teenage pregnancies. Their mothers are empowered, village leaders and fathers are trained, and girls' groups provide a space and a stronger voice within the community.

A force that inspires and gives hope


"People with disabilities, like me, need to be represented. That's why I want to share my story. I can bring about change. My community specifically comes to my sessions because I also share my experiences with disability. I explain how I have overcome the psychological impact of the trauma I have endured. I am a blind girl who has survived war, hunger, displacement, the loss of my home and my brother, and an earthquake," says Souad, a Syrian refugee with severe visual impairment.

Souad lost her eyesight at the age of eleven, when the war in Syria began. As security deteriorated, Souad and her family fled Aleppo to the countryside.

There, for the first time, she experienced hunger. Her family and her then had to flee Turkey. "When we finally arrived, we were exhausted."

The day before the earthquake on February 6, 2023, she had an accident. “I suffered a head injury and couldn’t sleep that night, so I felt the earthquake from the very start. Thanks to CARE's support, I was able to become a community mobilizer and raise awareness in my community about issues such as early marriage, violence against women, and child protection.”

CARE Luxembourg will remain by the side of girls like Souad, in Turkey and Syria.



CARE works to break this vicious cycle and build a better future for these girls, their families, and consequently, the community. Our experience shows that girls who have access to education and adequate nutrition become agents of transformation in their future families and actively contribute to challenging norms and evolving societies and mindsets. Following the implementation of its projects, CARE has observed significant progress and profound changes on the ground within a single generation.


And all of this is possible thanks to the support of our DONATEURS DE CŒUR !


What's one of the most dangerous things a person can do ?


To become a regular donor, you can:

  1. Set up a standing order to one of the following two accounts:
  • BIC: BCEELULL    IBAN: LU85 0019 2955 6050 3000
  • BIC: CCPLLULL    IBAN: LU28 1111 2588 1923 000

    2. Set up a standing order by credit card using this link: Become regular donor

    3. Contact us to receive a direct debit form.


Specify the frequency of your donation and the activity you wish to support, such as DONATEUR DE COEUR to support girls education and health.

You have complete freedom: You can change the amount of your donation or stop your support at any time.

We are counting on you!


Pourquoi soutenir CARE?

  • Avec votre don, vous nous soutenez dans notre combat mondial contre la pauvreté, l’inégalité et la détresse. 
  • Le travail de CARE se base sur 75 ans d’expérience dans l’aide d’urgence et de développement
  • L’aide de CARE est politiquement et religieusement neutre.
  • CARE Luxembourg est membre de l’initiative « Don en confiance »
  • CARE a le statut consultatif 1 des Nations Unies et s’engage à travers le monde pour un travail de plaidoyer pour les droits des plus vulnérables.
  • CARE est un des partenaires stratégiques pour l’aide d’urgence du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes luxembourgeois.
  • CARE est titulaire d’un Accord Cadre du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes luxembourgeois ce qui est en première ligne un signe de confiance dans le travail de CARE mais un tel contrat nous permet également de multiplier les dons pour nos projets de développements par cinq !
  • Chaque année, vous recevez une confirmation écrite du soutien de l’année passée.
  • Nous vous informons de tous nos projets dans notre rapport annuel et, si vous souhaitez obtenir davantage d’informations, vous pouvez nous contacter par e-mail ou téléphone.
  • CARE est agréée par le Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes du Luxembourg. Ainsi, vos dons faits à CARE sont fiscalement déductibles à titre de dépenses spéciales dans les limites et conditions des articles 109 et 112 de la L.I.R. Afin de bénéficier de la déduction fiscale, le montant cumulé des dons versés à différents organismes au cours de l'année doit s'élever à un minimum de 120 euros, ne dépassant ni 20% du total des revenus, ni 1.000.000 d'euros.


Frédéric Haupert

Directeur de CARE Luxembourg a.s.b.l.

Tel.: +352 / 26203060

E-mail: haupert(at)

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